Articles tagged “text classics”

In May 2012, Text Publishing set out to reintroduce Australia to its forgotten literary history. It has done so with notable success, all at a notable price of $12.95. The Saturday Paper has declared the Text Classics ‘the most significant event in recent Australian publishing.’
Find out more about our top selling classics and have a look at our staff picks.

Your faithful Texters are not only overjoyed to add three more works by Amy Witting to its Text Classics series this month—The Visit, A Change in the Lighting and Selected Stories—but we are also thrilled to present to you here an extra Witting story, one not included in Selected Stories.
Read on for a short story not included in Selected Stories—‘Afterplay’.

The Text Classics is the richest collection of stories from Australia and New Zealand. From The Idea of Perfection to The Australian Ugliness, The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke to Wake in Fright, The Delinquents to The Women in Black, and The Odd Angry Shot to Owls Do Cry—all the great stories are here. All at the classic price of $12.95.

Our newest Text Classic is two screenplays by Helen Garner: The Last Days of Chez Nous & Two Friends.

The newest addition to the Text Classics is Herz Bergner’s Between Sky & Sea, a dark and compelling tale of a group of Jewish refugees on board a dilapidated freighter charting a course for Australia. Fleeing terrible scenes of destruction in Europe, they are bound by a deep sense of loss and the uncertainty of their fate. Arnold Zable’s introduction (extracted below) highlights the chilling parallels between Bergner’s tale and the sinking of the SIEVX off the Australian coast, giving the reader pause to reflect on the continuing plight of asylum seekers throughout history and across the globe.

First published in 1993, Take Me to Paris, Johnny, is an unforgettable memoir of love, loss and humanity. It tells the story of Melbourne historian John Foster and his six-year love affair with Cuban dancer Juan Céspedes.

In a new series of blog posts, we’d like to introduce you to the Text team. And what better place to start than with our Publisher, Michael Heyward, who shares his passion for the bookish life and his hopes for the industry in Australia.

Not only has Yann Martel released a wonderful new novel this month, he has also written a thoughtful and astute introduction to the new Text Classics edition of Eva Hornung’s Dog Boy. An arresting and evocative tale of an abandoned child, Dog Boy won the 2010 Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Fiction. The Text Classics edition will be available on 24 February 2016. Read Martel’s introduction below.

Discover more than two centuries of Australian writing, in more than ninety books—including stories, biographies, histories, crime, humour and books for kids and teens.

We were very sad this week to learn of the death of Peter Ryan, former newspaper columnist, director of Melbourne University Press and author of the acclaimed memoir Fear Drive My Feet, which was republished as a Text Classic in June. Our sincere sympathies go out to Peter’s family.
In his introduction to Fear Drive My Feet, Peter Pierce describes it as ‘the finest Australian memoir of war’. Read it in full below.