Number 3 chiller

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time for another stack of new books from Text!

Critics and readers across America are being wowed as Helen Garner tours the USA...

Text Publishing, the ANZ publisher of Adania Shibli’s novel Minor Detail, translated by Elisabeth Jaquette, stands in solidarity with the author...

Spring has well and truly sprung, and we’ve got a handful of great books for those cosy afternoons in the sun.

The 2024 Boundless Indigenous Writer’s Mentorship is open for applications.

Winter is winding down and we’ve got a host of upcoming books so big, they’re practically mega.

2024 Michael Gifkins Prize for an Unpublished Novel: Open for Entries.

Tina Shaw has been named the winner of the 2023 Michael Gifkins Prize for her manuscript A House Built on Sand...