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Friday Links

‘Beautiful Evidence’ by Thomas Allen: more gorgeous book art.

The books from The Royal Tenenbaums. It is sad that we can never read Old Custer.

You might think you’re sick of gif tumblrs, but I think you’re probably not quite there yet.

Friday Links

‘I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now…’ C.S. Lewis

As I Lay Frying, a site for all your literary-quotes-with-pictures-of-doughnuts needs.

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On Republishing Happy Valley, by Michael Heyward

Patrick White died in 1990, more than two decades ago. In that time sales of his novels have dwindled almost to nothing. His work is barely taught in our universities or schools.

Q & A with Zane Lovitt, author of The Midnight Promise

Zane Lovitt’s debut, The Midnight Promise: A Detective’s Story in Ten Cases, is a brilliant hardboiled crime novel set in Melbourne. We asked Zane about his inspirations and his advice to aspiring writers.

The Midnight Promise is your first novel.

Queensland Literary Awards Shortlists Announced

Congratulations to Kate Grenville and Vikki Wakefield, both shortlisted authors in the just-announced Queensland Literary Awards!

Kate Grenville’s Sarah Thornhill has been shortlisted for the Fiction Award, and Vikki Wakefield’s Read more

Friday Links

C'mon, kids, let’s all go to the book bindery!

Quebec’s garden of decaying books.

Doodling on the faces of famous writers. Is it just me or does DH Lawrence look great with all that extra hair?

Very cute jungle bookmarks.

A fantastic Read more

Friday Links

10 classic novel covers in 8-bit form.

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards shortlists announced

The shortlists for the 2012 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards were made public today and we’re delighted that Wayne Macauley, Brenda Niall and Vikki Wakefield have all been recognised for their work.

Wayne Macauley’s Read more

bookolympics takes off on Twitter

Everyone’s caught Olympic fever, but us bookish types were feeling a little left out; after all, it’s not like reading is an Olympic sport. (If it were, though, our medal tally might be looking a little different right now. Just. Saying.

Friday Links

Can you imagine being caught on the beach reading a book that clashed with your bikini? Quelle horreur! Check here first to find the right book for your swimwear.

The 10 best closing lines of books, in pictures.

Photographs of people reading all around the world.

Related: Read more


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