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Number 3 chiller

Friday Links

It’s time to knock off and enjoy a cocktail, matched with the appropriate novel.

Related: a brief history of booze and books.

‘A book should be used and reused. It has life, it has a message,’ he said. ‘As a book caretaker, you become a full man.’ Read more

Today, Elsewhere

The opportunity that blogs continue to offer for long-form engagement with literature should not be denigrated, but celebrated. John Self counters Sir Peter Stothard’s claim that book bloggers are harming literature.

Today, Elsewhere

‘If the mass of unargued opinion chokes off literary critics…then literature will be the lesser for it,’ he said. ‘There is a great deal of opinion online, and it’s probably reasonable opinion, but there is much less reasoned opinion.’ Read more

Today, Elsewhere

Today is National Punctuation Day in the US, and to celebrate, the Atlantic has put together a collection of writers' favourite punctuation marks.

Today, Elsewhere

A profile in the New York Times of Damien Echols, one of the infamous West Memphis Three and author of Life After Death, out Wednesday.

On literary events and the questions posed to authors.

This is your brain on Jane Austen.

The Real Australian Classics

In a panel discussion as part of the recent Melbourne Writers Festival, publisher Michael Heyward, Jane Gleeson-White, Ramona Koval, David McCooey and the Wheeler Centre’s Michael Williams considered: what is an Australian classic?

Read more

Friday Links

We are not recommending this particular path to literary success, but here are ten famous authors who dropped out of school.

The science behind that old book smell.

Today, Elsewhere

1. When still a child, make sure you read a lot of books. Spend more time doing this than anything else. Zadie Smith’s rules for writing.

Should writers write naked?

He has written a haunting book, and the story it tells is hardly over. The Read more

Today, Elsewhere

‘The meaning of life is that it stops.’ – Franz Kafka Twenty famous writers on death and mortality.

An argument in favour of shorter books.

17% of children would be embarrassed if their friends saw them reading. Getting kids to read.

Today, Elsewhere

1. Amateur artists wait for inspiration. Nine warning signs of an amateur artist.

[The cruel paradox of self-publishing](http://www.theatlantic.


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