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Today, Elsewhere

The scandal of the 1962 National Book Awards: a controversy that involved the most powerful man in publishing, a famous journalist eager to take credit and a cub reporter who would go on to become one of the most celebrated writers of our time.

Craig Sherborne’s The Amateur Science of Love wins the Best Writing Prize, 2012 Melbourne Prize for Literature

Publisher Michael Heyward, Craig Sherborne, Senior Editor Penny Hueston and Craig’s partner, Janet.

Craig Sherborne has won the Best Writing Prize in the 2012 Melbourne Prize for Literature, announced at BMW Edge last night, for his debut novel, The Amateur Science of Love.

NSW Premier’s Literary and History Awards Shortlists Announced

The delayed 2012 NSW Premier’s Literary and History Awards shortlists have finally been announced, and Text is very well represented on them.

Kate Grenville’s Sarah Thornhill has been shortlisted for the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction and Craig Sherborne’s Read more

Today, Elsewhere

Our favourite author-who-is-also-a-sitting-US-President has just been elected for another four-year term. Congratulations, Team Obama!

Peter Ubel, author of Critical Decisions : How You and Your Doctor Can Make the Right Medical Choices Together, asks: Read more

Friday Links

Adorable pictures of people (and a dog) dressed up as books.

Cormac McCabre, Bone Didion and other monsters of modern literature.

A fantastic kinetic typography video of Stephen Fry discussing the joys of language, and the pedantic killjoys that take all the fun out of it.

Today, Elsewhere

Listen to Ramona Koval talk with Phillip Adams about her new book, By the Book: A Reader’s Guide to Life.

Louis Vuitton has opened a literary salon in Paris.

I love you so much I want you to eat my organs. Forks and knives are in the top drawer, Sue. Read more

Today, Elsewhere

So the Random House / Penguin merger is now official. Here’s what it means for writers, agents, publishers and readers.

How bookstores choose their books.

Are you studying Bernard Beckett? Lucky you: he’s prepared notes on character, theme and turning points.

Winners of our The Dinner competition enjoy dinner on us!

We celebrated the release of Herman Koch’s The Dinner by shouting a few lucky readers to a dinner of their own.

Leanne (third from right) and her family.

Today, Elsewhere

(click to enlarge)

How to publish your book. (Warning: do not take as advice.)

Woody Allen sued for using a Faulkner quote in Midnight in Paris.

What the rumoured merger of Random House and Penguin might mean for readers.

Friday Links

5 artistic renderings of authors in their own words. (The one above is James Joyce as Ulysses.)

What book are you? Let’s hope it’s one you’ve read.

A nifty storage unit for a bike that also doubles as a bookshelf.


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