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Sydney Bridge Upside Down - a neglected gem of New Zealand literature

‘How did we fail to give this gripping, funny, desperately sad, great New Zealand novel, set “on the edge of the world”, its due when it was first published in 1968?…Not until last year when l was urged to read it again did l fully understand what a masterpiece Ballantyne had

Congratulations to Kirsten Reed!

The Commonwealth Writers' Prize shortlists for our region (South East Asia and Pacific) were announced earlier today, and we are extremely excited that The Ice Age, the superb debut by Brisbane-based Kirsten Reed, is in the running for Best First Book.

Sarah Murgatroyd’s The Dig Tree

In January we published a new edition of The Dig Tree, the perennial classic of Australian exploration by Sarah Murgatroyd. Sarah was a talented journalist and author from England, who came to Australia and fell in love with the place.

The Broken Shore on The Times’s top ten crime novels of the decade

Peter Temple’s international bestseller The Broken Shore, winner of the 2007 Duncan Lawrie Dagger, has been named in the top ten crime novels of the last decade by The Times.

If you haven’t read this dark, blistering novel yet, you are in for a treat.

Shelf Awareness interviews Newbery Medal winner Rebecca Stead

Fresh from winning the coveted Newbery Medal for outstanding children’s literature, Rebecca Stead spoke to the folks at Shelf Awareness (‘daily enlightenment for the book trade’) about the prize, her book, and about time travel.

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead is in all Read more

Text young adult and children’s books, resources for teachers, and more…

Text Publishing has a great line-up of young adult & children’s literature in 2010, including new books from established authors such as Leon Davidson, Maurice Gee, Richard Newsome and Tim Pegler. Newer to Australian readers are novels from the fantastic US authors Read more

Zero Hour is approaching

We are counting down the days to Zero Hour—Leon Davidson’s new book about the First World War, due for release on 1 March.

Rebecca Stead has won the 2010 Newbery Medal

US author Rebecca Stead has won the highly coveted Newbery Medal for her second novel When You Reach Me, which we are thrilled to be publishing in Australia and New Zealand next month.

The Read more

Writers at the Convent, 12–14 Feb, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne

The first literary festival of 2010 is just around the corner: it’s almost time for the third annual Writers at the Convent. This year’s festival boasts another great lineup of writers from home and abroad. [missing asset], and hop onto the festival website to book tickets.

Good books fill the year ahead

Hello and happy new year to all. It is all systems go here at Text. We are rested and refreshed after the festive season, and ready to get stuck into making some great books for you.

Have a flip through our catalogue for January to June to see what we have in store for you.


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