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February New Books

As you shake off the holiday hangovers and start to come to grips with the new year, don’t forget to take the time to relax with a good book or two. These two, to be precise…

Joan Lindsay: The Hidden Life of the Woman who Wrote Picnic at Hanging Rock by Brenda Niall

Joan Lindsay: The Hidden Life of the Woman Who Wrote Picnic at Hanging Rock
by Brenda Niall

One of Australia’s foremost biographers brings us the most comprehensive and illuminating history of Joan Lindsay to date: a woman living in the shadow of her successful husband (a key player in the Australian art scene) steps from the background to become one of the most famous Australian novelists of her generation.

‘Brenda Niall is in a class of her own…Her books have all been works of insight and substance, their observations carefully considered.’ Michael McGirr, Age


Perfection	by Vincenzo Latronico (translated from the original Italian by Sophie Hughes)

by Vincenzo Latronico
Translated by Sophie Hughes

‘Pics or it didn’t happen.’ A razor-sharp novel from one of Italy’s most exciting authors, about a millennial couple’s quest for authenticity in a life designed according to social media trends.

Perfection is a jewel of a novel: precisely cut, intricately faceted, prismatically dazzling at its heart. Vincenzo Latronico is the finest of writers.’ Lauren Groff, author of The Vaster Wilds


Our February new releases are available in print and ebook from all good booksellers.


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