Congratulations Trent Jamieson, author of the genre-defying Day Boy. Day Boy has won two categories in the 2015 Aurealis Awards—Best Horror Novel and Best Fantasy Novel.
Trent Jamieson is a teacher, bookseller and writer of science fiction and fantasy, including the Death Works series. He has previously won Aurealis Awards for his short stories.
In Day Boy he reimagines the elements of the vampire myth in a wholly original way.
In a post-traumatic future Mark is a Day Boy. The Masters—formerly human, now practically immortal—rule a world that bends to their will and a human population upon which they feed. Invincible by night, all but helpless by day, each relies on his Day Boy to serve and protect him.
Mark has been lucky in his Master: Dain has treated him well. But as he grows to manhood and his time as a Day Boy draws to a close, there are choices to be made.
Will Mark undergo the Change and become, himself, a Master—or throw in his lot with his fellow humans? As the tensions in his conflicted world reach crisis point, Mark’s decision may be crucial.
This is a beautifully written and surprisingly tender novel about fathers and sons, and what it may mean to become a man. Or to remain one.
Watch Trent Jamieson talk about Day Boy in this video.
The Aurealis Awards were established in 1995 by Chimaera Publications, the publishers of Aurealis magazine, to recognise the achievements of Australian science-fiction, fantasy and horror writers. Read more about the awards and the full list of winners here.