Room to Dream by David Lynch and Kristine McKenna is out and you’re gonna wanna to read it three times, with a hot cup of joe and a slice of cherry pie, and then everything will be fine.
In this definitive authorised memoir, David Lynch, co-creator of Twin Peaks and writer and director of groundbreaking films such as Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive, opens up about a lifetime of extraordinary creativity, the friendships he made along the way and the struggles he faced –sometimes successfully, sometimes not – to bring his projects to fruition.
Kristine McKenna interviews friends, family, actors and colleagues about periods of David Lynch’s life, then Lynch himself descibes these same periods and times in alternating sections.
We’ve learned everything we ever wanted to know about Lynch’s life and work, as well as many other things we’re still not sure we want to know: aliens, conspiracy theories, Pinky’s Dream, his ability of de ja future (you’re going to have to read it), and so much more. [Ed’s note: just between you and me, Room to Dream has made this die-hard Lynch fan very, very happy.]
And to whet your palate a tiny bit more, here are ten completely random Did You Knows about Mr David Lynch.
- When he was in junior high he told his younger sister, who was in elementary school, that sticking your middle finger up at people meant friendship.
- Lynch is a huge advocate of Transcendental Meditation, which he came across while filming Eraserhead.
- Dino DeLaurentiis had to form the De Laurentiis Entertainment Group to distribute Blue Velvet since after watching the the first screening they realised no one would want to distribute it.
- David Lynch had been thinking about the Log Lady and Catherine Coulson since 1973.
- Hearing Angela Badalamenti sing ‘I Got a Real Indication’ for the first time gave David Lynch a hernia because he laughed so much.
- Richard Farnsworth was retired but decided to go back to work after reading the script for The Straight Story.
- David Lynch used to write the daily weather report on his website davidlynch.com based on what the sky looked like outside his window.
- Squarespace funded the David Lynch and John Malkovich film Playing Lynch.
- Scenes from Invitation to Love were shot in Frank Lloyd Wright’s historic Ennis House.
- At one point during the filming of The Elephant Man, Anthony Hopkins told David Lynch he had no right to direct it.
* De Laurentiis Entertainment Group also distributed the My Little Pony Movie that same year, (because random facts).
And as David Lynch writes, ‘Man, that’s just the tip of the iceberg...’ So prime your lawnmowers, learn your alphabet, get your eraserheads out, wrap yourself in blue velvet (too creepy?), get wild at heart, book yourself a hotel room on Mulholland Drive, hold all calls to the inland empire, get your story straight, kick out the crazy clowns and settle down to read this incredibly fascinating and entertaining book. Oh, and it has incredible photos throughout, too.
Room to Dream is available now in all good bookshops, on the Text website (free postage) and as an ebook.