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Ash Road

Ash Road: Text Classics

Text Classics

Ivan Southall

  • awardWinner, Children's Book Council, Book of the Year, 1966
  • awardCommended, American Library Association, 1966
  • awardWinner, New York Times Book Review, Children's Book of the Year, 1966
  • Introduction by Maurice Saxby

    It’s hot, dry and sweaty on Ash Road, where Graham, Harry and Wallace are getting their first taste of independence, camping, just the three of them. When they accidentally light a bushfire no one would have guessed how far it would go. All along Ash Road fathers go off to fight the fires and mothers help in the first aid centres. The children of Prescott are left alone, presumed safe, until it’s the fire itself that reaches them. These children are forced to face a major crisis with only each other and the two old men left in their care.

    The best selling Ash Road is an action-packed adventure story, so evocative of rural Australia you can taste the Eucalyptus.


    Reading Australia teaching notes available here.

    Ivan Southall
    About the Author

    Ivan Southall was born in Melbourne in 1921. His first published story appeared in the children’s pages of the Herald newspaper in 1933. Southall left school at the age of fourteen, following the death of his father, and worked in various jobs, including as a copy boy at the Herald.

    He captained a Sunderland Flying boat in the RAAF during World...

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    About the Introducer
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    Text publication date:
    25 September 2013
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    adventure, environment, friendship
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    Praise for Ivan Southall
    andAsh Road

    ‘The description of the fire and the atmosphere of the day are so vividly described…deservedly classic story.’

    ‘Ivan Southall’s Ash Road was one of the first Australian books to immerse readers in the experience of being caught in a bushfire in all its sensory detail; its publication in 1965 affected readers and fellow authors alike.’

    ‘The novel is a chronicle of fire and panic, of intense and remarkable perception, and of almost inexhaustibly vivid descriptive language… unforgettable.’

    Other editions ofAsh Road
    • Ash Road
      ISBN: 9781922148537
      25 September 2013
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