Articles tagged “texters at work”

For the past six months I’ve had the great privilege of working at Text Publishing as a digital intern.
The Text marketing team received numerous tip-offs on the quality of the recipes featured at the end of Recipes for Love and Murder, an entertaining new crime novel published this week.
There’s nothing like the buzz of Melbourne during a festival. And yes, while that may be every other week in our city, there is something special about the enthusiasm and energy of the annual Melbourne Writers Festival.
Publicist Léa Antigny recounts the highs and lows of this year’s Byron Bay Writers Festival.
Translator and senior editor Penny Hueston introduces the ‘haunting, sometimes hallucinatory tones’ of 2014 Nobel Prize winner, Patrick Modiano, and his forthcoming books Paris Nocturne and Little Jewel.
Publicist Stephanie Speight spent a rewarding couple of days at the 2015 Reading Matters Conference with Text authors Laurie Halse Anderson and Clare Wright.
On the first day of Reading Matters there were tears, laughter, shock, awe and some extremely delicious brownies.
The Text marketing team: guns for hire. Shalini Kunahlan (left) and Alice Lewinsky.
Shalini Kunahlan, Text's marketing coordinator, gives an inside view of the key bookseller event of the year.
Marketing freebies: do they work? Kirsty Wilson, Text’s sales and marketing director, considers the effectiveness of giving away condoms to promote a new book.
Jane Novak is publicity manager at Text. Mostly she works behind the scenes, but you may have the pleasure to meet her while queueing at a book signing.
This is just a little note about another little note—the post-it note.
Léa Antigny discovers her skills in juggling and iCal and juggling her iCal as a publicist for Text.
‘So, you’re a "yes" girl?’
‘So, you’re like Samantha Jones?’
‘Oh, cool.